You are kindly invited to offer paper for oral or poster presentation. Please register, and after registration send your abstract as e-mail attachment to the Secretary till April 10, 2015. You are allowed to register as a Participant after April 10 as late registration but in that case you are not eligible sending any abstracts. 

Instruction for preparing the abstract can be downloading here..

Abstract sample can be downloading here..


Main topics of the Symposium

  1. Genetics, biotechnology and breeding
  2. Crop management and agronomy research
  3. Physiology, abiotic- and biotic stresses
  4. Utilization of triticale – food and feed aspects
  5. Economy, marketing, and social aspects

The International Scientific Committee will select the oral contributions and posters, based on the submitted abstracts. Authors will be informed not later than April 30, 2016. A book of abstracts including (both oral and poster presentations) will be available to the participants at the beginning of the conference in the meeting material.



Selected presentations are eligible for publication in the Cereal Research Communication (IF 0.607 for 2014). By paying 1 registration fee, one author is eligible to submit maximum one oral and one poster paper.