Arrival to Szeged

It is suggested to arrive to Szeged by the late-afternoon - evening and participate at the Welcome party at the Venue. From Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Airport, there is a good bus-to-train and a very convenient train service to Szeged, trains depart hourly from Liszt Ferenc Airport to Szeged. The price of the train-ticket is 4500 Hungarian Forint that is circa 15 Euros. It is desirable to buy the return ticket too which means double amount.


Arriving to Szeged, you may choose the local train/bus service to reach the hotel you stay. You may however, choose a taxi cub at the Szeged Railway Station to reach your Hotel.


Invitation Letter

The Secretariat is pleased to send official invitation letter upon request, if the applier proves to be a researcher or other professional on the related field. It is understood that such an invitation may intended to help potential attendees raise funds or obtain visas. It is not any commitment from the side of the Organizers to provide any financial support.
